Hey Baby, What's Your Sign??

I'm a Cancer Sun, although I identify with a different sign entirely. My Moon is Capricorn, Leo Venus.

What does any of this mean? I am mean, I am slimy, I am bad. Very good flatterer, Learns really quick, sense of humor, Good Friend, Can understand someones's feelings....
You can ask if you're interested in anything else, but I like to keep my Rising a mystery.
You can feel free to guess it based on how I come across.
What do I actually think about astrology? We're living in an age of what I call "pop astrology." People tend to think stargazing is romantic just like they think nowadays that being a Libra is romantic. Whether or not they think those things are horseshit is a different matter.

Here is what I think:

In astrology land, astrologers can assign the idea of the ego to any planetary symbolism. For that matter, they can assign any idea to any planet. This is all about beliefs. It is experiential.

Astrology recognizes but two absolutes: the irreducible mystery of life, and the uniqueness of each individual viewpoint on that mystery.

It is experiential. The emphasis is on the seeker rather than what they seek.

The zodiac comprises twelve signs expressed as six binary oppositions throughout nature.

Astrological symbols are neutral. All signs are different. All signs are the same. Some part reflected within the whole, and the whole reflected within the part.

To understand any one phase in the zodiac, you have to understand its opposite. To truly understand Aries, you have to understand Libra, and so forth. This method is sequential; it is very Virgo-like, ABC in nature, leading to a deductive and Virgoan analysis. This methodology leads to a Piscean result, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole and immediately grasp the parts.

Houses are theatres of outward activity representing that which the mind observes.

I calculate with Whole Sign Houses and Placidus.

Retrograde is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is.

I consider fixed stars and the other constellations to add new dimensions to conventional astrology.

Astrology, like mathematics, at its most complex is beautiful, but ultimately useless and can therefore be considered art.