Thema Mundi
The exaltations overlayed on the thema mundi, ordered by light and closeness to the sun at the top of the celestial vault, around noon. Exaltation may be regarded as the expression of energy in its highest form. Robert Schmidt says that when a planet is in exaltation, that issue enters into the awareness of the cosmic soul more brilliantly than would otherwise happen.
Planetary Joys
In the image below, the arrangement of planetary joys represents a depiction of the doctrine of natural place: the planets themselves represent the elements in the cosmos. The two planets associated with fire are at the very top of the cosmos, surrounding Midheaven (μεσουράνημα). The two earthly planets are at the very bottom, sandwiching the house that is called subterraneous (῾Υπόγειον). The two air planets are placed near the 1st house, which Thrasyllus calls the Rising (ἀναφορά) and the Ascendant (ἀνατέλλων), because planets rise over the horizon at the Ascendant and then move upwards towards Midheaven. Mars, associated with water, is located near the 7th house, called the setting (δύσις) place, because planets in this sector of the chart set and move downwards towards the subterraneous house. Thus, the placement of the planets creates a situation where air is pushed upwards towards fire, and water is pushed downwards towards earth.
The 1st house is the joy of Mercury, because Mercurial ruled things like speaking and interacting are all done by the individual, who is represented by this house's purpose as Ascendant. Mercury having joy in the 1st unites the day with the night. Anything below the Ascendant degree in the 1st house is in the night, while anything above the Ascendant degree is in the day; the upper part of the chart rules spirit (see the 11th and 12th houses), while the lower half was based in the physical world (see 5th and 6th houses). Mercury having joy in the 1st is able to bring the two components together: spirit and physicality.